Independent Trial Report – Vehicle Avoidance Lateral Lamp (VALL)
It would appear that all of the bus drivers received incorrect technical information and the incorrect number of functions regarding the Vehicle Avoidance Lateral Lamps (VALLs) by their employer Metroline during the active period of the trial (page 19 – Bus Poster). This led to the bus driver’s being misinformed and confused about the VALLs and their correct operating functions (page 75 – Bus Driver Interviews). This was pointed out by JBDL during the compilation of the report but the clarifications were never administered. So, the ‘trial report’ was never amended to highlight and correct this major failing.
As a result, JBDL has inserted some comments to the report to ‘clarify some points’ and to try and prevent any ambiguity pertaining to the VALL. When viewing the report the ‘Comment’ icon can be found within the relevant paragraph(s) of the document. The word – ‘Comment’ can also be found in the ‘Table of Contents’ description at the start of the report. The clarification can be viewed by either ‘hovering over’ or ‘clicking’ on the ‘Comment’ icon.
These clarifications have been necessary so as not to undermine the VALL system and any information given in the final report.